
Sunday 2 June 2013

My Journey of Discovery About Cancer and Disease.

After the long and painful experience of watching my mother slowly suffer of the terrible cancer treatments in 1996 then my father also afflicted with lung cancer from heavy smoking and passing away in 2005, I knew something about this whole scenario was not right. Every instinct in my body and inner soul was yelling out to find the truth! One night while watching tv, I came across a commercial that spoke about "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" with Kevin Trudeau. The title hit me like a ton of bricks and I just had to get it. After seeing the information and reading the book, everything I felt inside of me finally yelled out, now you know the terrible truth about cancer.

I had just discovered the terrible truth about one of the longest and most horrendous lies to ever continue to be perpetuated on the entire populations of this planet. Everywhere I went, especially hospitals, when I needed to rush my father for sudden check up's because the heavy smoking was taking a terrible toll on his lungs or my step mother who had a bad hernia operation after lifting a heavy lawn mower out of a yard, who also was a heavy smoker but she didn't succumb to disease instead she died of intestinal blockage in a nursing home in Montreal, people we're being treated for illnesses but it still didn't feel right or look right. I saw sicker and sicker elderly and young people crowded in the hallways, in small rooms, many also that I knew personally who died of cancer or some form of disease. But was it really the disease that was slowly killing them all or was there something much more sinister going on?

"I was just beginning to read "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeau when my father was admitted to hospital in the spring of 2005 after I found him laying on the bathroom floor in his small low rental apartment covered in some terrible red rash. I thank God I decided to visit him that day at that time with my girlfriend, I had no idea how long he was lying on his back covered in that terrible rash covering most of his body and arms. That thought alone sent shivers up my spine. I knew he had been prescribed numerous different types of medications for his persistent coughing,  blood pressure and schizophrenia which he also was diagnosed for earlier so I already had some sense about the whole medical system setup. I also knew that this system was run and organized by corrupted politics and tight controls in governments hands which we all know today is a major global disaster. In Quebec as in all major cities around the world, especially in the U.S., the medical system is a huge money making capitalistic enterprise.

I called the paramedics immediately when I saw my father in such horrid condition, lying on that bathroom floor on his back covered in a bright red rash I had never seen before, he looked so helpless and disillusioned, when they arrived they tended to him right away and asked me numerous questions. I told them he was diagnosed schizophrenic, on an injection of haldol monthly plus was taking numerous pills for other symptoms and his hacking cigarettes smoking cough. That alone would scare me half to death. He would turn tomato red when he coughed almost choking to death.

Well, months later in the hospital, my father was subjected to numerous tests for tuberculosis, sexual diseases, lung infections etc. These doctors just made him go through hell and I suffered along with him. They finally told me he had chronic lung infection from the cigarettes plus a lesion in one of his lung's. He had to stay indefinitely in the hospital. My father begged me to take him home and I should have. All I could think of was get better dad and I'll take you home to stay with us. How it broke my heart to leave him there all alone with these med men of medicine. A few months later, I was told, inform your immediate family, your dad has only days to live. What? He was fine, he was recovering, he was smiling and laughing, we spoke...he was doing better, he was coming home! Then one day when I went to visit him, he had this dark blue running through his veins in his face, neck, arms..."vat's dat?" My father asked me in his native Hungarian language. "I don't know apa?" I said to him, I'll find out. The doctors couldn't be found. He died two days later. I'm sure he was poisoned with some blue cobalt type of cancer drug. To this day I never found out but I intend to. 

Let me just say this bluntly, the entire medical monopoly industry is nothing more then mass murder for PROFIT$! Since then, I've been researching non stop for over eleven years and I've discovered the entire global medical system has been set up and designed by the ultra rich and greedy Rockefeller foundation and other ultra rich like JP Morgan, Rothschilds and others to treat naturally curable symptoms with toxic, poisonous chemicals, unnecessary surgeries, and dangerous levels of radiation caused by industrial chemicals, highly processed  nutritionally deficient foods and biotechnology multinational corporate interests like Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow, and Bayer to enhance the profits and shares of the big pharma multinational cartels.

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